BurgerFi and Speedonthewater.com Expanding Key West Party

Hosted by BurgerFi restaurant on Duval Street in Key West, Fla., last year’s first Speedonthewater.com Party on Thursday night during the Super Boat International Key West Offshore World Championships and concurrent Florida Powerboat Club Key West Poker Run proved to be a good time for all who attended. But while the guest list was limited for the 2013 event, this year’s party Friday, November 7 will be open to all comers. (The restaurant is co-owned by John Rosatti and noted high-performance powerboat owner/enthusiast Gino Gargiulo.)


Building off last year’s successful event, the 2014 Key West BurgerFi/Speedonthewater.com Party will be open to the public Friday evening, November 7. Photo courtesy/copyright Jay Nichols/Naples Image. (Click image to enlarge.)

Still in the planning stages, the event will begin Friday evening between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. and will run until approximately 10 p.m. In addition to drink and food specials, the event will feature live entertainment.

While the BurgerFi/Speedonthewater.com Key West Party won’t be a “late-night affair”—there are plenty of other party options on Duval Street for night owls—it will afford performance-boat fans the opportunity to mix with offshore racers and industry notables in a casual and comfortable environment—with the best burgers in town.

Look for more detail on the event on speedonthewater.com in the coming weeks.