Doing The Chicken Dance


According to a National Geographic article, drawings on the walls of Spain’s El Castillo Cave are—at more than 40,000 years old—the world’s oldest cave drawings. Not having visited these caverns personally, I can only assume that these examples of Neanderthal cave art must include at least one portrait of a guy running around in a chicken suit.

OK, so maybe that’s a stretch, but you have to admit that the man-in-the-chicken-suit bit has been around for a long, long time. And I have to admit that as goofy and silly as it is I smile and laugh, every time I see it.

Clearly, I’m not alone. When the In Tone Crazy Chicken team pulled into Key West, Fla., earlier this month for the Super Boat International Offshore World Championships led by a guy in a chicken suit riding a scooter, it took them 45 minutes to get through town and to the dry pits in Truman Annex.

Read More: Doing The Chicken Dance

Photo by Pete Boden/Shoot 2 Thrill Pix