Image of the Week: Fall Colors In Action

With autumn just around the corner, the Miss Mary Mac and Phoenix Parts raceboats delivered their own version of “fall color” during last weekend’s Offshore Powerboat Association Solomons Grand Prix in Maryland. On hand to chronicle the event, which reportedly pulled in 41 boats—one of the best turnouts of the 2013 season—was photographer Tim Sharkey, who nailed this image of the two catamarans dicing their way through a turn.

Fall color—offshore powerboat racing style. Photo courtesy/copyright Tim Sharkey/Sharkey Images.

Fall color—offshore powerboat racing style. Photo courtesy/copyright Tim Sharkey/Sharkey Images.

The vibrant red canopy of Miss Mary Mac, the bright yellow canopy of Phoenix Parts and the deep green of the trees in background deliver all the fall color you’d expect from an East Coast landscape in Autumn. Add the dark blue water and clear light blue sky—plus the intersecting white roostertails behind each white hull cat—and you are left with one spectacular photo that was an easy choice for’s Image of the Week.

The Autumnal Equinox happens this coming Sunday, which means natural fall color is on its way. But for those who just can’t wait, this image could be a suitable replacement. At least for now.