Image of the Week: Windship’s Point of View

From the build of Windship, his 2011 Marine Technology Inc. (MTI) 48-foot catamaran with twin Mercury Racing 1350 engines, to the effort he puts forth promoting the wildly successful Pirates of Lanier Poker Run, which raised more than $400,000 for local charities in July, Georgia performance boater John Woodruff doesn’t do anything halfway.

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The stunning 48 MTI Windship cruises along Missouri’s Lake of the Ozarks in late August. Photos by Alice Wishni

That’s exactly why Woodruff jumped at the opportunity to bring his 48 MTI and his similarly painted Bell 206L LongRanger IV helicopter to Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri when Shane Sherman—one of the organizers behind last month’s Super Cat Fest—came up with the idea of building a helipad on the docks of Camden on the Lake Resort so Woodruff could park his helicopter and boat together.

The crew at Summerset Boat Lifts brought the idea to life and Woodruff was all in. Along with his girlfriend Nancy and her three friends (who all had matching bathing suits for three different days as well as pirate wench outfits for the Super Cat Fest party), Woodruff, who had flown over the popular lake before but never hauled his boat to Missouri, was ecstatic that he was able to land by his boat, which took home the event’s best in show award, and walk right up to his room overlooking the marina.

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The slideshow features Georgia photographer Alice Wishni’s images from Super Cat Fest with Windship owner John Woodruff.

Woodruff said he had so much fun at Super Cat Fest and some of the other Lake of the Ozarks Shootout activities, including joining the unbelievably large spectator fleet to watch Saturday’s top speed runs, that he’s going to try to attend the event again next year. He passed along a handful of images, which are featured in the slideshow above.

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