In a Giving Mood

I have a confession to make: Jason Johnson and I had a blast putting together the latest issue of Speed On The Water digital magazine, which went live this morning and can be downloaded for free by clicking here. Don’t get me wrong—between us, Johnson and I put in a lot of late (his schedule) and early (my schedule) hours. We wrote, edited and read, and then did it again and again, until we could no longer stand to read what we wrote and edited. We looked at image after image with screen-weary eyes and debated the merits of each until we reached the “flip a coin” stage.

Finding great images for the latest issue of Speed On The Water digital magazine was easy—choosing them was hard. Photo courtesy Jay Nichols/Naples Image.Finding great images for the latest issue of Speed On The Water digital magazine was easy—choosing them was hard. Photo courtesy Jay Nichols/Naples Image.

That’s all part of the process of creating a magazine, and if you don’t accept and commit to the process—the real “work” in the publishing world—you’re in the wrong business.