Mercury Racing Offers Factory Fresh Program for 1100/1350s

When Mercury Racing released a segment of blog posts that featured outstanding reports and video tours of its factory in Fond du Lac, Wisc., we made sure to let our readers know about it because, frankly, we thought they were pretty cool. Well, the same goes for the latest announcement from Mercury on its Factory Fresh program for the high-performance QC4v (1100/1350) sterndrive engine packages.

Mercury Racing's Doug Peterson (front) and Mike Critchley work on refreshing quad-cam, four-valve 1100 and 1350 engines. Photo courtesy Mercury Racing
Mercury Racing’s Doug Peterson (front) and Mike Critchley work on refreshing quad-cam, four-valve 1100 and 1350 engines. Photo courtesy Mercury Racing

If you’re fortunate enough to own a set of the turbocharged bad boys, then you’ll definitely want to read about the program, which features a complete engine inspection and refresh by the skilled craftsmen who built them originally. The report (read the complete blog here) walks you through the program from inspecting the condition of the engine long-block to rebuilding the sea pump. So even if you can only dream of owning the engine, the blog is still pretty interesting.

And while we’re on the subject of Mercury, if you happen to be in need of a go-fast calendar for 2013 or are looking for a Christmas gift, check out Mercury’s wall calendar.