Notes from the Qatar Cup, Part 2: Fiore and Sgro Celebrate 50-Plus Birthdays

During a casual gathering after the Qatar Cup welcome celebration for the race attendees last night at the Doha Hilton, I met up with Outerlimits Offshore Powerboats legends Paul Fiore and Joe Sgro at the nearby Trader Vic’s Restaurant in Doha, where the bulk of the contingent arrived earlier today.


Happy Birthday, Joe Sgro and Paul Fiore.

In the dual birthday bash between Sgo and Fiore, Miss GEICO Offshore Racing frontman and ringleader Marc Granet and several other fellow racers raised a glass to celebrate the birthday boys.

In just two days, Curtis and Sgro will team up in the cockpit of Sgro’s SV 43—the same one that set a kilo record last year (with much bigger power) on the Pamlico River in N.C.— to start the Qatar Cup series races.

Curtis will offer demo rides in the 43-footer for interested members of the media—this one included—before the race begins.

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