Peering Into August

Where did the summer go? August begins tomorrow. And while there are great go-fast boating event opportunities in various of parts of the country in September and October, the traditional boating season winds down at the end of the month and organized events begin to dry up.


A look ahead at key events in the final month of the boating season. Photo courtesy/copyright Pete Boden/Shoot 2 Thrill Pix.

There are exceptions, of course, such as the Lake Cumberland Poker Run Sept. 7-9,, the Lake Powell Challenge—an event that’s drawn raves from participants in the past few years—Sept. 13-16 in Arizona and the Monster Storm Poker Run Oct. 11-14), also in Arizona. And, of course, there’s the Florida Powerboat Club’s annual massive Key West Poker Run Nov 6-12.

But’s those are four events stretched over three months, whereas in August there’s a least one happening per weekend.

You may already have mapped out your August event plans. You may still be thinking them through. Either way, here’s a quick look at what’s on tap.

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