The Highs and Lows From 2012: Scott Price


In a year highlighted by the introduction of a turbocharging kit lineup and the addition of Rapid Prototype 3D Machinery to Hardin Marine’s arsenal, Scott Price, president of Hardin Marine, had a positive outlook on the year as a whole. He called 2012 a great year for the refurbishing and resurrecting of many boats, and was even more optimistic about the year ahead.

High: Well the high for 2012 would have to be the release of so many well-received new products. We delivered more than 30 new items—some not so significant from a design standpoint but from the ability to actually reduce pricing and increase availability; others could quite possibly change the marketplace. At the same time, an entire product line has been fueled by the introduction of the turbocharging components, spawning numerous new items we will release in 2013.

Low: Our real lows for 2012 were just the remaining economical impacts of these current times and how they’ve hurt so many suppliers of goods to the marine industry. The limited production of new boats has had a trickle-down effect, wounding some good companies.

scottpriceScott Price of Hardin Marine

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