Wisconsin Names July 14 ‘Mercury Marine Day’

Earlier today, Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development Secretary Reggie Newson presented Mercury Marine with a proclamation signed by State Governor Scott Walker declaring July 14 as Mercury Marine Day in the State of Wisconsin. The announcement was made in a press release from the Fond Du Lac, Wis., company.


Surrounded by current Mercury Marine apprentices, Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD) Secretary Reggie Newson, front right, presents Mercury Marine President John Pfeifer, front left, with a proclamation declaring July 14 Mercury Marine Day in Wisconsin. Photo courtesy Mercury Marine.

The honor was given to Mercury in celebration of its 75th anniversary and “commitment to apprenticeship training.” During the last two years, Mercury Marine has more than doubled the number of its apprentices in its workforce according to the release. The company now has 27 apprentices working at its world headquarters.

“It takes dedicated and talented men and women with the right skills to achieve this level of success, and we are proud to have Mercury Marine as such a strong, longstanding partner in apprenticeship training,” said Newson.

According to the DWD Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards cited in the release, Mercury Marine has increased its apprentices in training from 12 active apprentices in 2012 to 22 a year ago and to 27 this year, providing workers on-the-job training for careers as electricians, maintenance mechanics, tool makers and display carpenters.

“We take great pride in our apprentice program at Mercury Marine and it was great to watch our employees have the opportunity to interact with and ask questions of Mr. Newson about Governor Walker’s vision for the future,” said John Pfeifer, the president of Mercury Marine, in the release. “To have the state of Wisconsin declare July 14 as Mercury Marine Day is an honor and we share the success with everyone who is part of the Mercury Marine family.”