Buffalo Poker Run Filling Up

With 85 of its planned 100 powerboat entry slots already taken, registration for the Buffalo Poker Run August 8-9 is going even better than the organizers from the Western New York Offshore Powerboat Association had hoped. That’s the word from Anthony Scioli, the organization’s event chairman.


Spots for this year’s Buffalo Poker Run are going fast. Photo courtesy/copyright Tim Sharkey/Sharkey Images.

“We’re almost sold out,” said Scioli. “We are capping it at 100 boats for now and if we feel it is safe to have more at a later date we will open more slots.

“It will depend on the three speed classes and how many boats are in each class,” he continued. “It will also depend on the number of people in the crews for each boat, as we only have room at our awards banquet for 350 people.”

According to Scioli, several Outerlimits owners will be participating in the run for the first time this year. (They joining a particularly healthy contingent of Active Thunder and Fountain owners, though an array of brands are typically represented in the event.) Among those Outerlimits owners is Dave Scotto, who whose 52-footer ran 150 mph at last year’s Lake of the Ozarks Shootout and will soon be repowered with Mercury Racing 1350 engines—its original 1650s were used in the Outerlimits SV 43 that set a kilo recent kilo record (read the story) and have been sold to another buyer.

For their longtime efforts with the Buffalo Poker Run—the event will celebrate its 23rd anniversary this summer—Scioli and the WNYOPA were recently honored with a Distinguished Service Award from the Visit Buffalo/Niagara organization. Proceeds of the runs to the local Excalibur Leisure Skills Center charity, which Provides cost-free therapeutic and developmental boating and fishing opportunities for developmentally challenged and disadvantaged persons aboard a specially equipped, and modified wheelchair accessible program vessel.”

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