Remembering Hall of Fame Photographer Tom Newby

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The late Tom Newby was honored at the 2016 Lake of the Ozarks Shootout Hall of Fame dinner a few weeks ago.

newby16 hof vertAs we have for many years, Matt Trulio and I spend this Patriot Day remembering all the lives lost 15 years ago in the heinous terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. And because of another tragedy six years later, we also take time to reflect on Tom Newby, Powerboat magazine’s longtime chief photographer.

For those who don’t know, Newby died in a helicopter crash in Sarasota, Fla., on Sept. 11, 2007, while shooting for the now-defunct magazine. We’ve dedicated a column to the memory of our colleague and friend each year, and this year is special thanks to Newby’s recent induction into the Lake of the Ozarks Shootout Bob Morgan Memorial Hall of Fame on Tuesday, Aug. 25.

With his widow, Jill, and son, William, in attendance (William’s older brother, Weston, was unable to attend because of college obligations), Newby was recognized in the fourth annual Hall of Fame ceremony at the Stables at Cannon Smoked Saloon in Gravois Mills, Mo. The honor coincided with the induction of Mystic Powerboats founder John Cosker, the owners of PlayCraft Boats in Richland, Mo., Jim and Carolyn Dorris, and retired firefighter and volunteer for the Shootout for 19 years, Rick Smith.

The touching ceremony, which included a well-informed induction speech by KRMS Radio’s Kevin “KB” Burns as well as off-the-cusp words of recognition by myself and Osage Beach Fire Protection District Chief Jeff Dorhauer, proved just how instrumental and inspirational Newby was when it came to promoting the Central Missouri top-speed event. Matt and I knew it—as did Newby’s family and friends—but to have it recognized on stage and cemented in brick on the Bob Morgan Memorial at Captain Ron’s, the host location for the event since 2008, only confirmed our feelings.

Rest in peace Tom—a Hall of Famer you were indeed.

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