Verado 350 Outboards Driving TNT Repower Business

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With an outstanding 2015 offshore racing season behind him and his CMS teammates, John Tomlinson of TNT Custom Marine in Miami has returned to the business of running the rigging, service and high-performance powerboat storage facility with his partner, Mike Thomas. And although the raceboat and poker run boat service business is predictably—and seasonally—quiet now, Tomlinson said the TNT crew is staying busy with center console repower projects. By the end of the year TNT will have 23 Mercury Marine Verado 350 outboard engines in the shop for repower jobs.

“We just repowered a five-engine 42-foot Cigarette Huntress with Verado 350s,” he said. “It had 350SCi outboards before that—it’s changed hands a few times.

“All but three of the 350s I have or have coming are already sold,” he added.

Tomlinson said that TNT Custom Marine, a long-established Mercury Marine and Mercury Racing dealer, orders approximately 100 outboards engine from the Fond du Lac, Wis., engine builders a year. Of those, roughly 80 are in the four-stroke Verado family and the rest are from the OptiMax direct-injection two-stroke line. The Verado 350, he said, is by far the most popular choice among TNT’s re-power customers.

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For a closer look at TNT Custom Marine’s recent repower project on a Cigarette 42′ Huntress, check out the slideshow above.

“Out of all the 350s and 400s I buy, I have to believe that I am buying eight or nine 350s for every 400,” said Tomlinson. “I think a lot of that has to do with the longer warranty offered on the 350.”

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