Fort Myers Offshore Expecting Solid Turkey Weekend Run Turnout


With 22 performance boats from 23 to 50 feet long registered, Fort Myers Offshore’s annual Thanksgiving Weekend Fun kicks off tomorrow at 11 a.m. More than a staple of the Florida club’s season, the 80-mile round-trip run from the Sanibel Bridge to the lunch stop at Burnt Store Marina in Punta Gorda is one of the organization’s two annual “designated fundraising events” for the 2014/2015 season.

“We are asking that each participating boat donate a minimum flat rate of $100 toward this cause,” wrote Bob Barnhart, one of the non-profit organization’s founders, in an thread. “The preferred method of payment if you have a PayPal account is to go to our website. Alternatively we can take cash or a check made out to FMO at the lunch stop. In addition we will be selling 50/50 raffle tickets at lunch as well as club banners, shirts and hats as part of our fundraising efforts.”

For a look at last year’s FMO Thanksgiving Weekend Fun Run, check out the slideshow above. All photos courtesy/copyright Jay Nichols/Naples Image.

“Come out and have a great day on the water and let’s show our support for worthy Lee and Collier County students in need of financial help to enter university or college,” he added. “To date FMO has provided over $ 125,000.00 in financial assistance to dozens of students since we began our program.”

Though FMO club photographer Jay Nichols won’t be shooting the event from a helicopter this year, he does plan on meeting the group at the lunch stop and—schedule allowing—might capture parts of the run from a boat.

“The Thanksgiving run is always a good event for us,” said Nichols. “Last year was great, and tomorrow’s run is looking good with temperatures in the high 70s. Not perfect weather, but great.”

Editor’s Note: Clearly, Mr. Nichols has not reviewed a national weather map today.