Oh The Places They’ll Go

Happy New Year! Yeah I know, I’m two-plus weeks late. Sorry, but between signing off on the final approval of the Speed On The Water 2018 Year In Review magazine PDF files on Monday and turning in the pre-sale distribution list to the printer in Bloomington, Minn., this morning, I feel like I’ve been so focused on 2018 information and photos over the past couple of weeks that I just started wrapping my head around the fact that it’s 2019.

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This stunning 45-foor Nor-Tech center console owned by Jeff Campbell is one of 25 new models highlighted in the Speed On The Water 2018 Year In Review magazine. Photo by Pete Boden/Shoot 2 Thrill Pix

With that comes scheduling, budgeting and so forth—and with my partner in speedonthewater.com, Matt Trulio, that process already has begun. It’s on to another year with the same goal as always—to help grow the industry with ever-improving insight, information and impressions.

Upon closing the chapter on the fourth edition of a coffee-table magazine I’m extremely proud to have my name on, I would like to quickly reflect on the aforementioned distribution list.

Compiling the substantial list of names of boating enthusiasts across the country—and the world—receiving a copy of the nearly two-pound, 196-page magazine, is something I don’t get to do everyday, nor would I want to; it’s a rather tedious task.

Either way, it provides an opportunity to gain more insight about our audience/readership. Yes, we can get a lot of the same information from our analytics, but those are just numbers really, IP addresses, email addresses and such. When you see names, addresses and states in a distribution list, it’s different. It’s a little more personable, like a print magazine is supposed to be, right?

Read more: Oh The Places They’ll Go

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