Skater to Build 43-Foot V-Bottom

Known primarily for producing remarkable high-performance catamarans from 24 to 50 feet long, Douglas Marine/Skater Powerboats is introducing another V-bottom. Dubbed the 439 V, the nearly 44-foot-long model is scheduled to go into production next Monday according to Tony Cutsuries, the national sales manager for the Douglas, Mich., custom boat company.

skater439renderingThe Skater 439 V will feature a full-cabin and stand-up cockpit.

Unlike its smaller, primarily sit-down-cockpit 402 V sibling, the 439 V will feature a stand-up cockpit with bolsters and a complete cabin.

“It’s going to be something different for us, and it’s going to be a great boat,” Cutsuries said. “It will have a center-entrance cabin with an enclosed head compartment, and it’s going to be a deep-cockpit boat. It will have windscreens, too, not a windshield.”

Like all Skater models, the 439 will be built with vacuum-bagged epoxy and carbon fiber. Power for the first model, which like the 402 V will have a 9-foot beam, will be twin Mercury Racing 1100 engines.

“The boat will be fast,” Cutsuries said. “Of course, we’re not exactly sure how fast until it’s finished and we get it dialed in, but we’re really excited about it.”

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